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Sunday, May 26, 2013

PG: Update

Hey guys, what's up?

I just wanted to stop in and update you all on my gaming/writing life, so you Fanfiction followers of mine: make sure to read also.

I'll start with my gaming update. Cause you always start with video games.

Currently I'm limiting myself to one game per console. So that would be Kingdom Hearts 3D for 3DS, The Last Story for Wii, and LEGO Batman 2 for Xbox. I'm still stuck in TLS, so I'm on gamers strike from the game. I've finally progressed in Kingdom Hearts 3D, I've completed Hunchback of Notre Dame's world and moved on to Tron's world. (Yeah, I'm still at the beginning) And I've beaten Batman 2, except for the bonus levels and all that stuff. Also, I've been cheating on Batman 2 by playing some Call of Duty. Anyone remember/have COD 2? The really old game? Yeah, that's what has been my "wind down" game. It's been somewhat of a stressful week.

I've done a lot of reading up on Xbox 1, which I thoroughly believe should have been named Xbox Infinity. I mean, Xbox 1 shows no creativity. At all. It's better than 720, so I gotta be thankful for that.

Anyways, The Last of Us, which I was SO COMEPLETELY EXCITED FOR is only going to be released for PS3/4. I don't have either of those. This sucks. I was so excited for this!!!! My dreams...They are forever crushed.

...Moving along.

I haven't been writing as much recently. Like I said, stressful week. But I've had a lot of ideas for my Fanfiction "Snake Eyes" and as soon as I finish this post I'll start on chapter seven. At first it was supposed to be a short story...That didn't happen. I kind of feel bad, but hey I hope people enjoy it as much as I do. I really love writing it. I'll make sure to include the link to my profile below, so check it out.

I want to wrap up Snake Eyes at about fifteen chapters max. After that, my focus IS going to The Green [Winged] Hero. My Yoshi story. (Yoshi, as in, Mario character...But you knew that I'm sure.) No trying to juggle stories. Believe me, one will always outshine the other and you'll feel a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Pure Gamers Advice Of The Day: Focus on one story at a time...

So for this week, you can expect at least one blog update and a pretty little chapter for Snake Eyes. Hope you all are doing well and have a great weekend.

I would like to take a moment and thank everyone who fought for my country and made it the awesome place it is. God Bless America; Happy Memorial Day

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